
Why Hire Virtual Personal Assistant from India

Why choose a Virtual Personal Assistant Services for Work

Hiring a virtual personal assistant from an outsourcing company is only winning half the battle. The real task begins after you’ve start working with them. Every VA, no matter how experienced, needs to be trained according to the job requirement. Training any individual requires time and effort on your part. It is an initial investment which will bear golden fruit in the long run. Most people do not know how to train their web assistants properly. If correctly trained online assistants can be the backbone of your enterprise. As most of the problems in outsourcing such jobs occur at the training stage, here is some advice on how to do it right. These steps will not only help in training your online assistants but will also bring out the best in them.

5 Reasons to get Virtual Assistant Services for Work Management?

  • Make sure that they understand their job well: When your virtual assistant is miles away and waiting for a briefing on an assignment, you will be expected to make them understand their job perfectly. Although this sounds simple with a Personal Assistant Companies, it is quite a challenging task. You can never commit the mistake of assuming that they understand the job. You should get out of your way to make them understand their duties. When you hire an assistant, they might be well versed with their duties, but always assume that they should be trained. No matter how simple a given task is, you should instruct them at the very basic level of understanding.
  • Explain in Great Detail: Try to be as detailed as you can in outlining your assignment. Although this might seem to be an unnecessary step, this is where the root of the problem lies. When you don’t explain the task well enough, you end up leaving scope for errors. In order to avoid this, be as thorough as you can. Explain each step with care and outline the overall goal which you want to achieve. Make sure that they follow what you want and if need be, ask them to repeat your instructions. If you’re communicating via emails, make sure you double-check the instructions before you send them over.
  • Video instead of writing: Why write when you can show them? Visual aids have always been a better tool in driving a point home. When training your virtual assistant, opt for visual aids which can explain the job in a step-by-step manner. These resources can be renewed and as a method, it’s always in vogue. You can create video tutorials on how to go about the task, instead of sending written instructions. Unlike the written word, videos cannot be misconstrued. Videos are the perfect walk through and diminish doubts instantly. To create the maximum impact, you can mix the approach and prepare both written and video training materials. This will be a good aid as the assistant can consult the instructions when he/she gets stuck.
  • Test Your Trainee: After you have instructed your assistant, let them produce a sample of work based on your instructions. For example – if you have assigned a list of 60 articles to be written, expect at least 10 first. This will let your judge if your assistant has been able to follow instructions properly or not. If it feels right to you, you can ask them to proceed with the rest. Doing this can help you gauge if your investment has been a fruitful one or not.
  • Provide Feedback: Feedback is an extremely important learning tool. It helps one learn their mistakes and gives them the scope to improve further. Once you have received the finished work from your virtual assistant, provide prompt feedbacks to let them know the outcome. Give them positive feedback with one bit of constructive criticism. This will install improvement in.

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